In a previous post, we explained how to remove the New Blogger navigation bar. Well, perhaps you didn't really want to eliminate it altogether? Follow along on this hack and after it is in place, when you hoover your cursor over where the navabar should be, it will appear.....Like Magic!!
1.-Open Your Layout Settings
2.-Go To The Edit HTML
3.-Put This Two Lines Of Code Inside The CSS Section That Is After The Color Parameters Arrays Of Your Blogger v3.0 Template And Before the /head Code Tag:
#navbar-iframe:hover{opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(Opacity=100, FinishedOpacity=100)}
Need more guidance to do it? ok, just look for this spot in your template Before the /Head code tag in the CSS section:
And then put it there so it can look like this:
4.-Save Template
5.-Look At Your Blog
Why is this hack great?:
-No more need to erase the Blogger navbar without it getting in the way your blogs looks and works.
-You support Blogger default features unchanged and that makes it better than erasing it..
-It really looks cooler.
As a test, hover your curser over the top of this page above the header to see the navigation bar appear!!
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