December 10, 2013

Your Holiday Counterfeit Gift-Buying Guide!

With Christmas right around the corner, we’re heading into the busiest shopping period of the year. As always, though, the closer we get to December 25, the more barren the store shelves become. So what can you do if your kids are dying for a PlayStation 4 and the stores are sold out? Simple, just give them a shiny new PolyStation, the gift that says “I didn’t care enough about time management to get you what you really wanted, but I do care enough to give you something from the international world of knockoff goods.” OK, so your kids are likely to immediately spot that your gift of a PolyStation...

December 9, 2013

Facebook and Twitter Join Tech Giants in Call for Obama to Curb Government Spying

The world's most powerful technology firms united today in calls to curb government spying on internet users. Bosses from Apple, Facebook, Google, AOL, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Twitter and Yahoo said 'it's time to change' surveillance laws and practices in the wake of revelations about massive U.S. spying on citizens. The rare show of unity by usually fierce competitors is seen as a reflection of the damage in public confidence inflicted by leaks from Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor-turned-whistleblower. Earlier this year he revealed how U.S. and British spy agencies were able to...

December 5, 2013

Microsoft develops 'smart' bra

It's no longer enough to have smartphones, smartwatches, smart TVs and smart cars. Now a tech company is bringing artificial intelligence to lingerie. Researchers at Microsoft have developed a prototype of a "smart bra" embedded with physiological sensors that seek to monitor a woman's heart activity to track her emotional moods and combat overeating. The sensors can signal the wearer's smartphone, which then flash a warning message to help her step away from the fridge and make better diet decisions. The company says it has no plans to make the bra into a commercial product, however. So...

November 29, 2013

Create a 3D Book Animation with CSS

For his  new book, Photography for Designers, author Tom Kenny wanted to do something interesting with the image of the book itself on the website. His first thought was to perfectly render a physical book in Photoshop, right down to the very last detail but then he decided to do something interesting with CSS. Read what Tom has done: With the introduction of transforms in CSS, we can now replicate 3D objects. The 3D book I’ve created consists of two elements, the spine and the cover. Step 1 The HTML <div class="book-container"> <div class="book"> <div class="book-cover"> ...

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